EastEnders will air a double pregnancy bombshell next week.
Whitney has made no secret of how desperate she is to have a family and next week, she will be thrown into turmoil as she realises she needs a pregnancy test. Ahead of her incredible 30th birthday party, thrown by Finlay and Felix at Peggy's, Whitney is dealt some shock news as she realises it isn't just her who is in need of a pregnancy test.
Another concerned resident - Stacey Slater - also finds herself rushing to get a test and as they bump into one another in the pharmacy, they realise they are both in need of a test - and all that's left is one pack of two.

The pair agree to buy the pack together and take the tests together too. As they head back to the house, they go ahead and take their tests, waiting anxiously for the results - but are forced to cut their conversation short.
Later, when Felix and Finlay walk into No 1, the pair quickly reveal their elaborate birthday plans for Whitney, and share their excitement - but there is clearly something else on her mind.
Alone with Chelsea, Whitney reveals to her friend that she is pregnant with Zack's baby.

The panic eats away at Whitney as she struggles to pluck up the courage to tell Zack the news. Elsewhere, Jean and Eve find a positive pregnancy test in the bin and are convinced it must belong to Stacey.
Finally finding the coverage, Whitney asks Zac for a word as they cross paths in the market, but he's distracted by a call from a random fling and starts flirting. Hurt, Whitney goes and tells Chelsea he can't be a father to her baby after his player antics. However, Chelsea urges her friend to give him a chance and encourages them to try.

Later, Stacey is amused when Jean tells her she thinks she is pregnant. She tells Jean it's Whitney's test but swears her to secrecy. However, when Jean bumps into Zack, she mistakenly thinks he knows and reveals all. He's left stunned and panics.
What will Zack do with the information - and are him and Whitney over before they even begin?
*EastEnders usually airs Mondays through Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One.