Contributions from the property industry cannot remain the "cash cow" that funds the broader ACT government, the Property Council says.
The industry group says the sector pumped about $800 million towards the ACT's revenue in 2021-22, which the group said was about 45 per cent of all the tax revenue the territory collected.
Gino Luglietti, the Property Council ACT interim executive director, said taxes needed to be more equitably distributed.
"The next government needs to get serious about spreading the tax burden more fairly. The property industry can't keep being the cash cow footing the bill for everyone else," he said.
The Property Council wants commercial rates increases to be linked to the consumer price index, a decade-long employment land release strategy and changes to lease variation charges.

"The ACT government needs to stop milking the property sector and start thinking about the long-term health of our economy. The future of our city depends on it," Mr Luglietti said.
The next ACT government should consider remissions on lease variation charges to incentivise beneficial development, and commit to reinvesting lease variation charges back into surrounding community infrastructure needs, the Property Council has said.
The council wants discounts on rates for ground floor commercial tenancies to encourage more mixed-use developments.