E2E Data Collection and Disclaimer for the E2E 100
E2E Female 100 Criteria
Companies featured are those that have shown employment growth over the past 3 years.
E2E Tech 100 Criteria
Privately owned, UK based technology companies which have a turnover of more than £10m over the past two years. The ranking is based on percentage total turnover growth over the 2-year period.
E2E International 100 Criteria
Privately owned, UK based companies which have a turnover of more than £10 million and export sales in excess of £5 million over the past two years. The ranking is based on percentage total export turnover growth over the 2-year period.
E2E Job Creation 100 Criteria
Privately owned, UK-based companies with a turnover of more than £10 million, a minimum of 100 employees, and a percentage growth in staff above 25% over the past two years. The ranking is based on absolute job growth over the two most recent filing periods.
Data Collection:
Companies cannot self-nominate or be nominated. Each Company has been selected based on independent research undertaken, based on selection criteria determined by E2E and its Partners in their sole discretion.
All information collected and used in relation to the featured Companies have been obtained from sources in the public domain, including but not limited to Companies House and/or E2E Partners.