Not Okay
and I am thanking him profusely. Ride it, cowboy.
For context, in O’Brien plays a massively wanky weed influencer called Colin. No offence to the Colins of the world, but that name simply does not have influencer vibes.
In the film, Colin is a truly terrible person. O’Brien’s been very open in his press tour about the character being pretty dogshit.
In a tongue-in-cheek interview question, asked if the Colin character was inspired at all by O’Brien’s self-coined “slut era” or whether Colin was the inspo for said “slut era”. ICYMI, O’Brien made the truly iconic decision to tweet the phrase “slut era” in April. It’s been absolutely living in my head rent free since then.
“My own slut era inspired the performance,” O’Brien joked.
“It clearly has always been inside me somewhere.”
King of method acting!
Apparently, slut era is “a concept, just like an energy” according to O’Brien. This makes complete sense — the girls who get it, get it.
Potentially the most iconic bit of O’Brien’s character is the blonde buzzcut he’s been sporting for it. Yes, the internet is horny for it and I cannot blame them!!!
It was apparently his idea to go blonde for the role — though the film’s writer and director independently came up with the idea too. Apologies to the bleached blonde buzzcut boys, it’s looking bad for you.
“I was like [to Shephard], ‘Are you cool if I bleach my hair?'” he said, per .
“She was like, ‘I was literally going to text you that yesterday’.”
O’Brien then described the character as “an amalgamation, I think, of so many fuckboys that I’ve seen on the internet over the past ten years”. Go on Dylan, name them.
“It’s become such a character. I kind of knew him instantly,” he explained.
Hey, it turns out that maybe the only thing that can turn the world off Dylan O’Brien is Dylan O’Brien’s character in this film.
Quinn Shephardslut era
— Dylan O'Brien (@dylanobrien) April 27, 2022
Varietyim on my knees pic.twitter.com/vpYD023wue
— moon.ka (@moon_ka717) July 30, 2022
The post Dylan O’Brien, King Of The Screen & Lord Of My Loins, Took Acting Inspo From His Own ‘Slut Era’ appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .