Australians are unlikely to get a second chance to recognise Indigenous people in the constitution in the near future, despite a coalition pledge.
The Indigenous voice referendum was defeated on Saturday, with all states voting the proposal down and only the ACT casting a 'yes' majority vote.
In the lead up to polling day, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton pledged if elected the coalition would hold a second referendum to make a simple change recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the constitution.

Asked on Monday if he would still hold a second referendum if elected, Mr Dutton would not commit to it.
The party's policy was going to be reviewed by opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Liberal senator Kerrynne Liddle, he said.
"All of our policy, as I said on Saturday night, is going to be reviewed in the process that Kerrynne and Jacinta will lead now," Mr Dutton told reporters in Canberra.
"I think that's important but I think it's clear the Australian public is probably over the referendum process for some time."
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told parliament the second referendum had been a "solemn promise" made to voters by Mr Dutton.
"He stood up on multiple occasions ... before people voted," Mr Albanese said.
Nationals leader David Littleproud said "there'll be no other referendum" as the people had spoken.
"The Australian people are over referendums. What they want us to focus on now is the practical outcomes to fix indigenous communities where there are disadvantage," he told AAP.
"You've got to understand the mood of the nation.
"We don't want to put the Australian people through this trauma again anytime soon."

Former Liberal seats held by 'teal' independents recorded a strong 'yes' vote.
Goldstein MP Zoe Daniel said Mr Dutton was "out of touch" with the views of her electorate on the voice.
"The success of the campaign is due to the efforts of a dedicated and large team of volunteers, 600 in number," she said.
"It shows that the Goldstein community's thirst for community-led politics is unabated."
In the Sydney seat of Wentworth, held by independent Allegra Spender, more than 62 per cent of voters supported the voice.
Opposition frontbencher Paul Fletcher's Sydney electorate of Bradfield was the only coalition-held seat to back the 'yes' case.
Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley said it was wrong to suggest teal-held seats would not come back to her party.
"This is a separate question with separate issues at stake," she told Sky News.
"We did see many Labor seats vote 'no' and vote 'no' quite strongly."
Mr Littleproud said the issue would not be resonating at the next federal election due in 2025.
"All the prime minister's done in 16 months is drive up everyone's cost of living and divide the country," he said.
"He'll be answerable to the Australian people in 18 months about the cost of living pressures."
Leading 'yes' campaigners warned Australians ahead of the referendum it was a once-in-a-generation chance to change the constitution.