This year’s Durham Miners Gala is set to be the biggest of modern times. Huge crowds are expected when the Gala returns this Saturday after a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
More than 50 Durham miners’ banners and more than 50 brass bands are now confirmed as attending, more than at any Gala since before the 1984-85 miners strike.
Hosted by the Durham Miners Association (DMA), the Gala was established in 1871. DMA Chairman Stephen Guy said: "We are seeing an extraordinary response from the extraordinary people of County Durham.
Read more: RMT leader Mick Lynch will make a speech at Durham Miners' Gala 2022
"The Gala is the people’s day. There is nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world and it happens right here on the second Saturday in July."
This year’s Gala is dedicated to key workers - the ordinary working people who kept the country going throughout the pandemic - and as a result a nurse and a postal worker, selected by the DMA, will top the list of speakers on Saturday.
They are Holly Johnston, a nurse and member of the GMB union, and Rohan Kon a postal worker and member of the CWU. Both Holly and Rohan worked throughout the pandemic.

Holly said: “I am extremely proud of the work all key workers do. It is people like us who have kept the country going, but we are now facing attacks on our conditions.
"There has never been a more important time to join a trade union. We must use our collective power to force change. This is what the Gala has always been about and I am absolutely honoured to be invited to speak. It is the greatest and most historic day for the labour movement."
Rohan, the daughter of a firefighter and an NHS worker, said: “Something exciting is happening in this country right now; the tide is turning and there's just something in the air. After two years of isolating lockdowns, it is a privilege to come together with people from across the trade union movement from all over the world for the truly legendary Durham Miner's Gala.
"We are at a crossroads right now and this Gala is about us sending a loud and clear message to the bosses: We are going to fight for our lives."

The speeches will begin on Durham’s racecourse at 1pm. DMA chairman Stephen Guy will oversee proceedings. Stephen said: “It will be our honour to welcome Holly and Rohan onto the Gala platform.
“I know they’ll receive a wonderful and warm Gala reception. But it is not enough to cheer and applaud our workers. We must all join together to ensure workers receive the much-improved pay and conditions they truly deserve.”
Other Gala speakers for 2022 include trade union general secretaries representing key workers. They are: Mick Lynch, RMT; Christina McAnea, Unison; Sharon Graham, Unite; Patrick Roach, NASUWT; Jo Grady, UCU.
Before the pandemic, only national strikes and two world wars prevented the Gala for taking place. More than 200,000 people are expected in Durham when the Gala returns on Saturday.
* The Gala wouldn’t happen in any year without the support of the Marras. To find out more or help maintain the event yourself visit:
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