Dundrum residents have hit out at "monstrous" plans lodged for a 16 storey new apartment development in the village at the site of the former shopping centre.
The owner of Dundrum Town Centre, Hammerson, has lodged fast-track plans with An Bord Pleanála for an 881-unit apartment scheme for Dundrum,.with an indicative price tag of €788,741 on three bedroom apartments it is proposing to sell to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council for social housing.
The proposal under Part V of the 2000 Planning and Development Act represents 10% of the €466 million 881 unit apartment scheme that Hammerson is proposing to build in Dundrum.
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Hammerson subsidiary Dundrum Retail GP DAC ’s Strategic Housing Development (SHD)proposal is to include a “landmark” 16-storey apartment block at the northernmost point of the site.
The scheme is to be made up of 11 blocks across four zones, and the developers are seeking an eight-year planning permission to complete the plan.
The project will consist of 335 one-bedroom apartments, 464 two-bedroom units, and 82 three-bedroom apartments.
The scheme will also include 10 retail units, a retail foodstore, four cafes and restaurants, and a creche.
Speaking to Dublin Live, local Dundrum resident Warren Logan said that he has serious concerns about the proposed new development.

He said: "Everyone is in a bit of shock about it, I'm all for change and modernisation but I think 16 storeys is too much and I won't be able to see out my window if this goes ahead.
"The sheer density is unbelievable, it's the size of Liberty Hall yet that doesn't look out of place because of its location."
According to Warren, he and other residents were informed of a meeting on April 6 at Dundrum Parish about the development which he attended.
He said: "Local residents and shop owners in the village voiced their concerns at the sheer scale and density, and many are horrified of what is being proposed and how Dundrum will be impacted.

"To me this proposed fast tract development is similar in look, scale and density as the doomed Ballymun high rise tower blocks that were built during a housing crisis.
"My main concern is that the new development will consume the skyline, it'll be an eyesore and it won't offer families an opportunity to buy a home."
A second resident, Thomas, described the development as "monstrous."
He told Dublin Live: "It would be a nightmare for us, it's a monstrous development and we really hope that it will be turned down. Everyone here in Dundrum is very uneasy about it all."

In a letter enclosed with the indicative costings, BMA Planning on behalf of the Hammerson subsidiary state that "the estimated costs are intended to provide a reasonable estimate of the costs and values of the proposed Part V units based on construction costs and values prevailing at the time of this application".
BMA Planning state that the information is for the purposes of facilitating the planning application "and will be subject to finalisation and formal agreement with the local authority".
In a response to the applicants, the Council has stated that "while the unit costs exceed the Council’s approved acquisition cost threshold, it is acknowledged that the stated costs are estimated as actual cost cannot be quantified at this preliminary stage".
The letter later adds that "should planning permission be granted, the council may seek a revision of the Part V proposal following evaluation of costs and land values, a review of current housing demand and determination of funding availability".
BMA Planning state that "the proposed development of the Dundrum Village site is an appropriate response for this "Major Town Centre" site and would provide high quality residential and supporting village centre uses at a central and accessible location in need of regeneration".
The deadline for submissions on the development is May 9 and for more information click here.
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