Dundee University scientists are using super-strong UV light to kill Covid-19 on work surfaces and in the air.
The researchers are now investigating the human safety of the technology that could be a game-changer in the long term fight against the virus.
And they want to hear from healthy individuals who are prone to getting sunburnt to help further their studies that could have a ‘significant impact’ on Covid-19 prevention.
Participants who successfully complete the study will receive payment of £500 in recognition of their time commitment.
Far-UVC light kills bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 and drug-resistant bacteria on surfaces and in the air.
Special bulbs that give off Far-UVC light can be used to disinfect the air in public places, such as shops, cafes, bars and offices.
The world-leading research is being led by Professor Sally Ibbotson.
She said: “This research could have a significant impact for the wider application of Far-UVC light to disinfect the air in public places, such as shops, cafes, bars and offices.
“This could be used as a way to reduce transmission of Covid-19 and other infections in the future.”
And she added: “However, we need to do all we can to make sure that Far-UVC light is safe for human exposure.
“We are doing part of this safety assessment by studying the effects of Far-UVC on people’s skin to look for any adverse reactions.”
Volunteers, who should have a skin type that tends to burn in the sun, will have small areas of their back/upper buttock illuminated with Far-UVC light over a few days.
The illuminated areas will be observed visually and small skin biopsies will be taken from test sites numbed by a local anaesthetic.
- More information on volunteering can be found here.
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