The Dundee Cycling Forum has launched a manifesto of proposed changes to the city’s infrastructure.
They hope the list will promote active travel around the city and make it safer for cyclists, pedestrians and children.
Among the 12 upgrades they have suggested include a segregated cycle network for Dundee, more cycle storage and a drive for more ‘up-to-date design guidance’ to be followed for the streets.
Other changes include more 20mph speed limits, improving pedestrian accessibility and reducing car use.
Discussing the introduction of ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ and ‘play streets’, the manifesto said: “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) are neighbourhoods that allow access by car, but only to people who live or are working there - motorised through-traffic is stopped via “modal filters” (often bollards) which still allow people to walk, wheel or cycle wherever they like.
“This creates a safer, quieter neighbourhood for residents whilst encouraging active travel.
“Likewise, Play Streets allow residents to close their street to motorised traffic (apart from residents), with children allowed to play freely and safely there - just like they used to!”

A spokesman for the Dundee Cycling Forum told Dundee Live: “The DCF launched our manifesto yesterday at City Sq.
“We asked all candidates for council elections to endorse the manifesto in advance of the elections on May 5th, so folk will know who to vote for if active travel is on their agenda.
“We're delighted to say that the Greens, SNP, Labour and Lib Dems all fully backed the manifesto, with the Greens going as far as to include it in their own manifesto, which is great!”
- You can access the DCF’s full manifesto here.
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