An urgent plea from an Annan woman horrified by the devastating war in her homeland has led to a major humanitarian aid effort.
The first lorry load of items donated by big-hearted Dumfriesshire residents and businesses will be taken to Poland this weekend for distribution to desperate Ukrainian refugees who have fled from the Russian invasion.
Mary MacRae said: “I cannot thank everyone enough. It is beyond my wildest dreams that this has been achieved in just a couple of days. I am glad of the volunteers who are helping process everything.
“The show of solidarity from across Dumfriesshire is much appreciated by the Ukrainian community here in the region.”
Mary, whose Ukrainian father was at the Hallmuir POW camp near Lockerbie, helps look after the tiny chapel created in one of the barracks which has become a hive of activity. She has almost filled the last remaining space there in just a few days with donations of goods which flooded in this week after an appeal on the Standard’s social media page.

Mary has joined forces with Krystian Klicki and his wife, Adela, who run Polish Shop Dino in Dumfries, at the bottom end of the Loreburn Centre in Dumfries, to get the goods to those in need. Krystian will take the first load into Poland on Sunday and said: “We needed people to donate specific goods quickly to get them over on Sunday. It is very cold there and the refugees urgently need this equipment. We are planning more trips after that.”
The appeal was for specific practical and sleeping items – but people have donated other things too.
Mary said: “DS Packaging in Lockerbie have kindly donated a lot of cardboard boxes for the packing which is amazing.
“We were not looking for clothes or food but we have received loads and they will be put to good use.

“However, we do not want any more. We also do not want any more duvets. We would be really grateful for sleeping bags, sleeping mats or yoga-mat type things, blankets, and items for babies – especially powdered milk and nappies.”
They can be dropped off at the Ukrainian Chapel between 2pm and 4pm today and from noon to 5pm tomorrow, or at the Polish shop in Dumfries. In addition, other collection points have been set up around Lockerbie to receive donations.
Lockerbie and District Rotary Club members will have their trailer on the car park at the town’s Tesco store manned from 10am to 1pm each day and staff at Dryfemount Care Home in St Bryde’s Terrace are asking people to leave goods in bags on their doorstep.
Myra Smith, community champion at Dumfries Morrisons, has created “Grab Bags for Ukraine” in store containing needed items. Today and tomorrow, customers can choose and buy one at the till for her to pass to the appeal.