A continuous metropolis: Downtown circle project
With a circumference of 3000 meters the downtown circle functions as a continuous metropolis The architecture hovers over downtown Dubai and circumvents around the Burj Khalifa drawing the most invigorating views and fresh and clean air from the skypark which forms the central spine of the development. The enormous scale of the structure is broken down into smaller units to create a variety of spaces to serve public, commercial, and cultural programs.

The mix use project offers a great variety of office and housing typologies, from large office surfaces to living/working units, from lofts to townhouses, from terraced houses to patio living. The footprint of the building is composed of two main rings, which are held together by a a continuous green belt – the “skypark" – which is illuminated with natural light and has offices and research centres embedded in it. The “skypark" connects the floors with each other vertically and thus creates a connected three-dimensional urban green eco system.
The Skypark :
Different natural scenarios and climates are recreated inside the continuous skypark, forecasting a lively journey to the visitors and residents. They can experience the canyons, sandy dunes and plants from various floras. Swamps,waterfalls and tropical vegetation or the digital caves, cascades, fruit-trees and flowers of various hues and species together enrich the green eco system.

The concept is a potential answer to the global search for new, mixed urban typologies, which combine high densities and lavish greenery, dynamic urban functions and a high-quality user experience, as a means of doing justice to the demand for both climate protection and environmental excellence. As a green lung, the skypark seeks to replenish the air with oxygen and intends to incorporate a series of activities and research centres. The skypark is integrated with offices, research zones, culture, science, and education and this spatil hybrid forms a new type of contemporary symbol for the city: a green and natural landmark – a refreshing and exciting stage for people to interact, experience and learn in contact with nature.

In order to give back to the natural environment, the plan includes proposed areas for rainwater harvesting and solar power. As “an integral part of the urban ecosystem" the design also stores carbon and filters pollutants from the air, in addition to providing sanctuaries for wild plants and food production. The Skypark within the structure will provide residents with a connection to nature and enable opportunities for outdoor recreation and a healthier lifestyle for the next generation.
Coastal development increases vulnerability to sea level rise. The population living at or near sea level has grown dramatically, with an associated increase in infrastructure. The proposed typology explores remedies and proposes a unique urban model in response to the threat of rising sea levels.

Transportation :
A fleet of suspended peripheral pods transport passengers from one node to anotherin the Downtown circle. These suspended vessels,travel through a network of rail at the bottom tier to get to their destination.

Here, pods with room for twenty people are loaded at the outer perimeter ring and are connected through a pressurised vessel attached to the main lift cores that brings in the passengers. These hyper pods can travel at speeds of 100 kilometres per hour and makes travelling from one point to another super efficient and smooth. The pods also capture a 360 view of the entire city at the heaight of 500 mts.