With manifest named as Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year for 2024, many will be asking how it works.
‘Manifesting’ in its modern use is about turning your desires into reality through techniques such as visualisation and positive thinking.
Lexicographers said the term “to manifest” has evolved to be used in the sense of “to imagine achieving something you want, in the belief that doing so will make it more likely to happen”.
Pop princess Dua Lipa is one of the famous faces who has fuelled manifestation’s increasing popularity this year, by repeatedly talking about how she manifested her Glastonbury 2024 Friday headline slot.
USA gymnast Simone Biles also spoke about dreaming big, setting goals and manifesting them to reality during her time at the Paris Olympics this year.
The term, which has gained traction on TikTok and other social media, was looked up almost 130,000 times on the Cambridge Dictionary website this year.

Shakespeare used manifest as an adjective in The Merchant of Venice: “For it appears, by manifest proceeding, that…thou hast contrived against the very life of the defendant”.
What is manifestation?
“Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires or goals into reality by focusing your intent and energy on them,” explains Nicci Roscoe, holistic health and wellbeing practitioner, and author of Manifest Your Everything. “It involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to attract what you want into your life.”
Many people think manifestation works instantly, like asking a genie for three wishes, however this is a misconception.
“It really does require patience and is very much about the alignment with the right time and circumstances,” highlights Roscoe. “It also involves an active effort, releasing any negativity that may be holding you back and staying focused on your goal.”
People commonly manifest love, relationships, financial abundance, career success, happiness, health and/or inner peace.
“Being specific is key but not rigid,” says Roscoe. “For example, instead of saying, ‘I want a job’, you might say ‘I want a fulfilling job where I feel valued and earn a salary of £X’.
“Clarity helps focus your intention, but allows flexibility for the universe to deliver in unexpected ways.”
Here are some manifestation techniques to try…
“Mentally rehearse in your mind what you want, what it looks like in as much detail as possible so that your brain is already connected with the thought, so it’s familiar,” instructs Nichola Henderson, holistic life coach and wellness specialist. “It activates the RAS (the reticular activating system) which helps you notice and seize opportunities.”
And remember to allow yourself to feel the emotions of what you’re visualising.
“Imagine the joy, pride, or excitement you’d feel when achieving your goal,” recommends Roscoe. “Let those emotions fill you as if it’s already happening.
Vision boards

“This will give you something physical to reference,” says Henderson. “But the key for this is to continue to update it as your desires are always changing.”

“This involves writing down all of the things that you’re grateful for regularly, it’s all about shifting your focus from what you lack to what you have,” says Anna Miller, accredited life coach and co-founder of The Ardour Clinic.
“Use the power of a calm mind to focus on your intentions and desired outcomes,” recommends Henderson. “Meditation improves our ability to be able to manifest as it softens the mind and enhances creativity.”
Positive affirmations

“Keep photos of them [positive affirmations] on your phone or stick them on the fridge door,” advises Roscoe. “They’re wonderful motivators and can inspire you to keep going.
“The more you use positive affirmations, the more they will become embedded in your unconscious mind and any negative words you use will shrink and become tiny specs of dust that just disintegrate.”
Inspired action
“Regularly keep what you want in your mind and take small consistent steps towards it,” advises Henderson. “This is an ongoing practice and something that requires time, focus and attention.”
What are the benefits of manifesting?

“Manifesting can increase your focus and help direct your attention to your goals, minimising distractions and boosting productivity,” says Miller. “It encourages reflection on your values and priorities, helping you make choices aligned with your long-term goals.”
Consistently reminding yourself that you are worthy of what you want can also help build self worth and improve mental health.
“Manifestation practices encourage a more optimistic outlook and reduce self doubt,” explains Miller. “Gratitude and positive thinking can improve mental and emotional health.”
It can also help reduce stress.
“The techniques associated with manifesting also can help to reduce stress and anxiety,” adds Henderson.