A man who threatened police with coronavirus and hepatitis after being arrested for elbowing a cop in the face was jailed today.
Falkirk Sheriff Court heard that officers had gone to Denny, Stirlingshire, after receiving a call about a man with a minor head injury, who was "wandering around the streets" under the influence.
The man, Michael Heenan, spotted the police and tried to make off, but they caught up with him and found him "clearly intoxicated, with slurred speech and eyes glazed".
While he was being searched, Heenan, 44, elbowed PC Matthew Newall in the face and was arrested as a result.
He was taken to a police van, placed in a cage, and started to shout, swear, and spit.
He told cops: "I've got Hep C and anyone who opens this door I'm going to spit on."
He added: "I've got coronavirus and I'm going to spit in your faces."
Falkirk Sheriff Court heard the incident occurred 3.30 pm on April 7th, 2020.
Heenan, from Denny, pleaded guilty to police assault and threatening and abusive behaviour.
Solicitor Georgia Carey, defending, said that despite a "lengthy record", Heenan had only one previous conviction for assault and it had now been more than six months since he last committed an offence.
Sheriff Christopher Shead said a criminal justice social work prepared on Heenan was "one of the worst the court has seen in recent times".
Imposing a five month jail term, he told Heenan: "You've got a bad record, and you're not co-operating with alternatives to custody, and so against that background and the nature of the offences, custody is the only appropriate disposal."
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