A drunk man assaulted two children, including telling a "frightened" 12-year-old boy at a bus stop to "come on the bus with me to my house".
Abhijeet Singh Dhadda was sentenced in the ACT Magistrates Court on Wednesday.
The 33-year-old had pleaded guilty to two counts of common assault.
A previous charge of attempting to groom a child has been withdrawn.
On Wednesday, magistrate Marcus Hassall fined Dhadda $2000, and sentenced him to an 18-month good behaviour order. Dhadda will also be required to complete 25 hours of community service.
Defence lawyer James Walker told the court there was no escaping "the sad fact that Mr Dhadda has a serious problem with alcohol".
Mr Walker said the prosecution had "abandoned any suggestion that the offences involved grooming or any sexual interest in children".
"[The court can] interpret [the assaults] as the actions of someone who is very intoxicated and unsteady on their feet, unable to control their motor functions," the lawyer stated.

The court heard Dhadda was drinking about 15 alcoholic drinks a day over the period the crimes occurred, after his wife left him.
"There are concerning aspects [of the crime], there are bizarre aspects, there is an ongoing problem with alcohol," Mr Walker said.
"There have been some false starts [with rehabilitation] and it's a serious problem, he can't turn it on and off like a tap."
A prosecutor argued the child victims would have been distressed by "a much older man touching him at a bus stop".
In December 2022, a child tried to assist Dhadda by picking up a vape and handing it back to him.
However, Dhadda grabbed the child's lower right arm and said "you need to come with me right now".

The magistrate said Dhadda was highly intoxicated at the time and the man's motivation and purpose were "unclear".
"I think it is likely [Dhadda] himself didn't know what purpose he was trying to achieve," Mr Hassall stated.
"It would have been highly distressing for the young person.
"Fortunately, the young person was able to be protected by his sister and others."
About two months after the first assault, Dhadda approached a 12-year-old boy at the Gungahlin bus interchange and said words to the effect of: "Come on the bus with me to my house."
The 33-year-old then touched the child on the shoulders, chest, legs, lower back and waist.
Dhadda also tried to hold the boy momentarily.
"Fortunately there were others around who were able to protect the young person involved," Mr Hassall said on Wednesday.
"[There was a] young person who was in a vulnerable position, who was potentially embarrassed, humiliated and frightened by the relevant experience."
Support is available for those who may be distressed. Phone Lifeline 13 11 14; MensLine 1300 789 978; Kids Helpline 1800 551 800; beyondblue 1300 224 636; 1800-RESPECT 1800 737 732.