A 39-year-old man whose provisional licence had been suspended in January was caught with blood alcohol content more than four times the legal limit after he drove into a tree in Macgregor on Saturday night, police have said.
The man was arrested after police were called to the scene in Macfarlane Burnet Avenue after receiving reports a car had collided with a tree, police said in a statement.
Police said they issued the man with an immediate 90-day driver licence suspension notice after he recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.231 at the Belconnen Police Station. The legal limit is 0.05.
But checks showed the man's provisional licence had already been suspended in January.
The man will face the ACT Magistrates Court on Monday on charges of level four drink driving and driving while suspended.
The man would also face a charge of contravening a family violence order and one count of aggravated common assault, police said.