You know it’s coming. It’s just a matter of time, but I have full faith that there will eventually be a live-action Wreck-It Ralph movie.
Has there been any confirmation of this, or even any rumblings? No. But, with Disney slowly but surely getting through most of their popular animated movies from the Disney Renaissance, like the recent The Little Mermaid, which we reviewed favorably, I just have a pretty good feeling that Ralph will one day get the live-action treatment, too.
I mean, hell, Disney is ALREADY setting up a live-action Moana movie, and the original Moana came out after Ralph. So, I’ve decided to get started dream casting the live-action Wreck-It Ralph movie. Sure, we’ll likely get that live-action Rapunzel movie before this, but I still believe that the latter is on its way, and I want to cast it. I’m gonna wreck it!

Wreck-It Ralph - Chris Pratt
I know. You're likely saying, "You're joking, right?" Yes, I've seen the memes. One of the funnier ones was of Chris Pratt playing Rosa Parks. A lot of those stemmed from the fact that when it was announced that he was going to be voicing Mario, it seemed like a joke. Well, after The Super Mario Bros. Movie raked in over a billion dollars (and counting), I think it's safe to say that he could play whomever the hell he wants, and it would probably still be pretty good.
That said, I think Pratt would be better than "pretty good" as the titular character. I actually think he'd be pretty great. Voiced by John C. Reilly, it's actually kind of hard for me to envision any other voice coming out of Ralph's mouth, but The Super Mario Bros. Movie (which I loved) proved to me that he could make any voice his own.
Plus, I think he has the talent to pull off all of the physical stuff required of the character as well. Of course he would have to be heavily CGI'd, but hey, it worked for Will Smith as the Genie in Aladdin, didn't it? So, it could work for Pratt as Wreck-It Ralph, too!

Vanellope Von Schweetz - Vivien Lyra Blair
You know, when I originally pictured casting Vanellope Von Schweetz, I envisioned McKenna Grace. I was mainly thinking of her quirky performance in Ghostbusters: Aftermath, and how that could transfer over to a live-action role for Vanellope.
But, thankfully, my editors thought that there could be a possibly better choice for Princess Vanellope, and I'm glad they intervened since I now think I have the PERFECT choice, and that’s Vivien Lyra Blair.
You probably know her as the young Leia Organa in the Disney+ series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I know her from We Can Be Heroes, which I once called "the perfect follow-up to Sharkboy and Lava Girl." Blair played the progeny of Sharkboy and Lava Girl, Guppy.
In the movie, she exhibited a really playful performance. While Vanellope had a constantly sarcastic tone because she was voiced by Sarah Silverman, I think that a live-action version could be softened a little in the joke department, while still maintaining that fun edge, which I think Blair can really deliver in spades.

King Candy - Danny DeVito
Okay, now this one would be a HUGE departure from the movie, since King Candy was played by Alan Tudyk, who gave the character a pretty silly voice, but I think it could still work if Danny DeVito took on the role. Spoiler alert for a pretty old movie, but Candy turned out to be the antagonist. That said, this wasn't really somebody who would typically be taken seriously throughout the rest of the film.
That’s why I think DeVito would be perfect for the role. Firstly, I pretty much want him to be in every movie, and secondly, I think he is a master at playing silly characters who also might have a dark side. Keep in mind, this is the same actor who’s on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but also portrayed The Penguin in Batman Returns. So, that’s why I think DeVito would be ideal for the sometimes silly, but also terrifying, King Candy. Just sit with it for a little bit. It’ll come to you.

Fix-It Felix Jr. - Ben Schwartz
Yes, I know. Fix-It Felix Jr. IS Jack McBrayer, right down to the funny demeanor and everything. (He even looks like the actor!) But, I wouldn’t just want to cast him as a live-action Fix-It Felix Jr. Nope. In fact, I think Ben Schwartz, the voice of the live-action Sonic himself (who may just be on the verge of starting “the villainous stage” of his career) would be the perfect Felix.
I think a lot of this really boils down to just how innocent and almost childlike he makes Sonic sound, as I see a lot of that in Felix, too. Here's a guy who wants to do the right thing, and, by all accounts is doing the right thing, but he’s also not worldly enough to realize that things aren’t just in black and white, as there is nuance to pretty much every situation. I think that side of Sonic could really add even more layers to the character, and I feel Schwartz could knock that role right out of the park.

Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun - Ronda Rousey
While I know I just said that Felix Jr. IS Jack McBrayer, only to spend two whole paragraphs discussing why somebody else should play his character, I honestly can’t think of any other voice-actor in Wreck-It Ralph who is closest to the look and demeanor of their character than Sgt. Calhoun’s voice actress, Jane Lynch. In fact, I was seriously considering just putting her in the role for the live-action film, but then I thought, no. That would be a cop out, and I've already committed to this list.
So, if not Lynch, then I think Ronda Rousey could be a good substitute. She doesn’t need to prove how tough she is, as the former UFC fighter and current WWE wrestler is already known as a certified badass. But, she hasn’t acted in many movies, making appearances in The Expendables 3, and in Furious 7. That said, in both roles she commanded the screen, and I honestly think that if anybody could play the lead character in Hero’s Duty, it’s Rousey.
And, that’s it. Who would you cast in a live-action Wreck-It Ralph? For more news on all things Disney, make sure to swing around here often!