How kind of the prime minister to compare me, and the other 48% who voted to remain in the EU, with the murderous regime of Vladimir Putin (Rishi Sunak defends Boris Johnson from fury over remarks on Brexit and Ukraine, 20 March). What a great way to bring the country together and heal our divisions. It is also ironic if you consider that the Ukrainian government is seeking to bolster its freedom by joining the EU, and we can be confident which way Putin would have voted in the Brexit referendum.
Don Castle
Caterham, Surrey
• Boris Johnson is half right: there are comparisons to be made between the conflict in Ukraine and Brexit. Both involve hostile Russian interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation. The difference is that the Ukrainians, unlike the UK government in 2016, are trying to stop it.
Mark Walford
• The prime minister is right in one respect: both Brexit and the war in Ukraine are based on politicians’ lies.
Jim Waight
Hertford, Hertfordshire
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