A right-wing fanatic filmed himself carrying out an experiment which ended in a "f***ing awesome fireball" in his kitchen, in bizarre footage shown to court.
Vaughn Dolphin, convicted of multiple terror charges, tells the camera "that was a bad f***ing idea'" as he pans to the smoke-filled kitchen with fans whirring around.
In a separate clip the 20-year-old, from Walsall, records himself wearing a gas mask and homemade body armour as he fits a chest plate over his heart with the letters 'SS' emblazoned over it - in reference to Adolf Hitler's terrifying protection squad the Schutzstaffel.
Following a trial at Birmingham Crown Court a jury today, Friday, April 28, found him guilty of six offences of possessing a document containing terrorist information, two counts of possessing explosive substances, two counts of disseminating a terrorist publication and one offence of possessing a firearm without a licence, Birmingham Mail.

Most of the charges related to illegal documents found on a USB stick under folders named 'Boogaloo', a phrase which means 'race war' in right wing circles.
The encrypted files included the 'Big Book of Mischief', 'Anarchist's Cookbook' as well as manuals for 'Full Auto Shotgun' and 'Homemade C4' among others.
During the case prosecutor Matthew Brook highlighted an incident where Dolphin was 'clearly mixing chemicals in his kitchen'. In the footage released by West Midlands Police the defendant filmed himself saying: "The b*****d mixture set itself off prematurely, oh my God."

He then gives a lengthy recap of what happened, whilst wearing a gas mask. He says: "Yeah so, that was a bad f***ing idea, so bad the f***ing carbon monoxide f***ing meter went off. I started choking so I had to put this on.
"Oh my God I don't know if you can see, but there's still f***ing, still f***ing smoke everywhere. I'm using fans to get it out (laughs). Next time, next time I'll certainly do this outside. Ah well, you live and you learn.
"Ahhh but you should have seen the fireball. Actually thinking about it, the fireball was f***ing awesome I definitely put way too much potassium in but it was a like a massive, literally massive f***ing pink, pink, purple fireball and it burnt, it f***ing burnt. It was sick. Absolutely f***ing sick."

In a separete recorded incident, he says: "Welcome to chemistry class, today we are making homemade fuses. I don't have the digital scales so there's a good chance this will probably blow up in my face."
A further video shows Dolphin staring unblinkingly into the camera in silence while wearing a skull-emblazoned balaclava. And in another short movie, bizarrely overlaid with American country and western music, Dolphin stands in front of a Union flag whilst wearing a gas mask and a camouflaged body armour vest with metal plates attached to the chest and waist areas.
Dolphin taps his chest and then fiddles with a metal sleeve protector. After reaching for something out-of-shot he presents a metal plate with the letters 'SS' on it which he proceeds to tap lightly against his head before fitting inside a pocket over the right side of the vest.

Dolphin was arrested on June 27 last year at his grandfather's home. When police raided his own address they found legal military memorabilia and the USB stick. They also recovered an aluminium tube with a hole drilled in it effectively forming a gun barrel as well as the ingredients to make 'black powder', more commonly referred to as gun powder.
Analysis of his phone revealed right-wing and 'Hitler' chat groups as well as a sick video he had saved of the mosque shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019. Dolphin will be sentenced on May 11.