Dragon's Dogma 2 has a hot new trend, and it involves tackling a Pawn off a cliff to avoid fall damage.
'Pawn Surfing,' as the new trend has been coined, somewhat originated from the wild Reddit post just below. In a very important public service announcement, a Dragon's Dogma 2 player reveals to others that you can avoid fall damage and traverse the huge in-game map quicker than ever, if you're willing to sacrifice a Pawn.
PSA: You can prevent fall damage by tackling a pawn. I call it "Pawn Surfing" from r/DragonsDogma
"You can prevent fall damage by tackling a Pawn" summarizes the new trend in a very succinct sentence. The player in the clip confirms in the comment that the luckless Pawn somehow survived the fall, although how they didn't become a pile of bloody goo is anyone's guess.
The Arisen master of this Pawn is going to hear quite the sad story once they get back home to their own world. "I suffered much injustice at the Arisen's hands," as one player puts it in the comments, bringing to mind a line that actually already exists in Dragon's Dogma 2. I'm immediately going to think of Pawn Surfing whenever I hear that line in the future.
It turns out this isn't the only way players have been severely manipulating their Pawns. A comment under the original Reddit post has a player claiming they know of someone who launches their Pawns off a cliff to their death, only to revive them with an arrow, and then jump straight into their open arms at the bottom of said cliff. It isn't an elevator, but it's damn close.
Read up on our Dragon's Dogma 2 Guardian Gigantus guide if you're struggling with one major story boss.