President-elect Trump's FCC chair pick Brendan Carr faces a significant challenge ahead, as highlighted by Dr. Jordan Peterson in a recent interview. Peterson emphasized the importance of shedding light on Big Tech's algorithmic control over free speech as a crucial starting point.
Peterson stressed the need for transparency regarding social media algorithms, expressing concerns about the potential dangers of hidden mechanisms shaping public discourse. He warned against the risks of allowing intelligence systems to mediate our conversations without visibility into their operations.
As a vocal advocate for free speech, Peterson has faced censorship battles in the past, including undergoing 'social media training' mandated by Canadian officials and experiencing account suspensions on platforms like Twitter.

Meanwhile, incoming FCC Chair Brendan Carr has identified tech censorship as a top priority upon assuming his role, emphasizing the fundamental importance of safeguarding Americans' First Amendment rights.
Dr. Peterson's daughter, Mikhaila, echoed support for Carr's stance on combating censorship and emphasized the need for transparency in platforms like TikTok, where news dissemination remains opaque.
Peterson revealed ongoing challenges to his professional license in Canada due to his opposition to certain medical practices, indicating a continued struggle for free speech rights.
Discussing President-elect Trump's proposed changes to the Department of Education, Dr. Peterson suggested that empowering parents with more control over their children's education could foster a more diverse range of perspectives and provide conservatives with a stronger voice against progressive influences.
The Petersons' discussions underscore the ongoing battle for free speech and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the digital landscape.