Donald Trump is once again touting a supposed endorsement by left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore – without mentioning that the video is satirical.
The former president posted a clip from Mr Moore's 2016 documentary Michael Moore in TrumpLand on his Truth Social website on Saturday. The clip was deceptively edited to cut off the portions where Mr Moore criticises him.
In the video, the firebrand documentarian predicts Mr Trump will surf to victory in the 2016 presidential election on a tide of popular fury against American elites, but that those who voted for him will soon regret it.
Though posted on Mr Trump's feed without further commentary, the video came amid a stream of endorsements by lesser-known Republican politicians such as Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff who was convicted of routinely violating the constitutional rights of Hispanic Americans despite a court order to stop.
Allies of Mr Trump previously tried to pass off the same video as an endorsement in 2016, even though Mr Moore voted for Hillary Clinton and described her opponent as a “legal terrorist”.
“Every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump,” said Mr Moore in the film, aping the over-the-top-style of the Trump campaign.
“He is the human Molotov cocktail that they’ve been waiting for – the human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them...
“Trump’s election is gonna be the biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history.”
That is where the Truth Social clip ends. Mr Moore, however, then continues: “And it will feel good. For a day. You know, maybe a week. Possibly a month.”
“When the rightfully angry people of Ohio, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn’t gonna do a damn thing for them, it’ll be too late to do anything about it.
“But I get it. You wanted to send a message. You had righteous anger and justifiable anger. Well, message sent. Goodnight, America. You’ve just elected the last president of the United States.”