The comparison between Donald Trump and Neville Chamberlain not only gives Trump “way too much credit”, it is also very wide of the mark (Trump a worse appeaser than Neville Chamberlain, leading Democrat says, 7 March 2024). Chamberlain became prime minister in 1937, when war with Hitler was probably inevitable, his policy of appeasement essentially being about playing for time. In contrast, Trump gave succour to Putin when he was president, and has done so again over his illegal invasion of Ukraine during his campaign to become the Republican candidate.
Chamberlain was an honest, hard-working politician who delivered a massive social housing programme, championed a midwifery service and widows’ pensions, and was a pioneer of the conservation movement, helping to create the Wildlife Trusts and the Campaign to Protect Rural England. That is why, working with the Chamberlain Highbury Trust, I have set up a blue plaque crowdfunding appeal to honour his legacy.
In contrast, Trump’s time in office was characterised by social division, chauvinism and climate change denial. If he is re-elected, I have no doubt that history will repeat itself.
Nicholas Milton
Author of Neville Chamberlain’s Legacy
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