Thiruvananthapuram: Justice BV Nagarathna, a Supreme Court judge has voiced concerns about Lok Ayukta becoming a "toothless tiger" due to restrictive amendments.
"It is also essential that Lok Ayukta in all states are provided resources and necessary support to carry out their tasks independently. Rendering this noble institution a toothless tiger unable to meaningfully carry out its mandate through the form of restrictive amendments or other forms should be discouraged and resisted, nor should the institution be used for political ends or to settle scores," she said while addressing the Lok Ayukta Day celebration organised by the Kerala Lok Ayukta on Wednesday.
Justice Nagarathna said she was "very impressed" by Section 14 of the Act. "Where after an investigation into a complaint, the Lok Ayukta is satisfied that the complaint involving an allegation against a public servant is substantiated, then the public servant concerned should not continue to hold the post held by him, the Lokayukta shall make a declaration to that effect in its report under subsection 3 of Section 12 and the competent authority must accept the declaration."
Further, she stressed the need for Lok Ayuktas in all states to be adequately resourced and independent and strongly opposed any attempts to undermine this institution or use it for political purposes. (with ANI inputs)