Why does no one ever suggest that we flush the loo less often (UK facing drought in August following extreme heat, 25 July)? We don’t need to flush it every time. And if everyone flushed every other time they used it, we’d presumably save a vast amount of water and could perhaps avoid hosepipe bans. When I lived in the south of Egypt in 1979-81, it was standard practice to save water.
Jane Greening
St Neots, Cambridgeshire
• I was reassured to read that Derek Niemann still has plenty of collared doves living in his patch (Country Diary, 14 July). In Chester, we had collared doves aplenty until a few years ago. Then suddenly they disappeared. My parents, living on the Wirral, have noticed exactly the same decline. Wood pigeon numbers have not been affected. Whatever the cause, there is some hope that collared doves can repopulate the areas from which they have largely disappeared if they are thriving in Bedfordshire.
Jacky Creswick
• Finally the art world comes to its senses (Up in frames? Hirst to burn thousands of paintings in ‘interesting experiment’, 27 July)(Damien Hirst to burn thousands of his paintings to show art as ‘currency’, 26 July). Let’s hope the experiment is a success and may be extended.
David Prothero
Harlington, Bedfordshire
• David Trimble moved from hatred to peacemaker (‘His legacy will endure’: tributes paid to David Trimble, 26 July). He walked that extra mile and extended the hand of friendship. He was instrumental in pushing for the Belfast agreement. May he rest in peace
Úna Heaton
Limerick, Ireland
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.