A pregnant pit bull stabbed 17 times in a brutal attack last month has delighted animal rescue volunteers after she delivered a litter of puppies.
The pit bull, named Roxy, gave birth to the puppies earlier this month after surviving a violent attack on 23 July in Fresno, California, rescuers told The Fresno Bee.
Evon Dumesnil, an animal rescue volunteer with Fresno Humane Animal Services, said Roxy was found with 17 stab wounds across her body, including her face, neck, shoulder, legs, and her abdomen.
She was taken in by the charity and sent for treatment. Less than two weeks later, Mr Dumensil said Roxy beat the odds by giving birth to a puppy litter.
“I don’t have all the details of what happened,” Mr Dumesnil said on Friday. “But what I do know is that this was an evil act done by a monster.”

He added that Roxy “wasn’t looking good and you knew she was in a lot of pain” immediately following the attack and that volunteers were concerned for her yet unborn puppies.
“We just kept telling Roxy, ‘Hang in there. We’ll be there, soon. You’ve made it this far, you can get through this, too,’” said the volunteer. “We were all really afraid for her and for her puppies.”

Brenda Mitchell, board president of Fresno Humane Animal Services, agreed that Roxy was “in really bad shape” from the attack and that the case was among the worst she or her organisation had seen.
“We see cases of animal cruelty. Usually that means an animal has been badly neglected,” said Ms Mitchell. “This one, this case was not normal.”
In an Instagram post following the attack on Roxy last month, the animal rescue charity said the pregnant pit bull was “the victim of horrible violence today. She was stabbed multiple times and is now at ER receiving care.”
“Despite all the pain and confusion, she must be in, look at that beautiful bully smile,” the post added before asking for donations to cover the cost of Roxy’s care.
Donors were thanked in an Instagram update by the rescue charity, who said police were looking into the incident and that Roxy would eventually be rehomed. It was unclear what would happen to her puppies.
“This poor girl really suffered at the hands of a human. No more of that!,” the post said. “She will be loved from here on. Thank you all again, and will let you know when she is out of the hospital and off to her foster home.”