A man and a woman who subjected their pet dog to so much torment he was unable to move have been spared jail. David Powell and his ex-partner Kate Powell, from Blaenavon, faced offences under the Animal Welfare Act for their treatment of shih tzu Alfie.
Alfie was neglected to the point his corneal ulceration, skin disease, anal tumours and skin wounds worsened considerably and left him so helpless vets were left with no choice but to put him down. RSPCA inspector David Milborrow said upon visiting Alfie at David Powell’s home at James Street in the town the dog was “not able to move or even lift his head”.
The couple pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and failing in their duties as people responsible for an animal. According to the RSPCA Alfie was not in the appropriate body condition and not protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease due to a lack of treatment for skin disease, ulcers, tumours and skin wounds.
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The court heard through witness statements that Inspector Milborrow met Kate Powell in September 2021, who said that she had heard that Alfie was “not in a good way”. Alfie and another dog - a Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Marley - were living at the James Street property with her ex-husband David and she said she had not been to the house or seen the dogs for a year.

While visiting the James Street address Inspector Milborrow was shown Marley and Alfie - who was lying flat on his side in a dog bed at the end of the sofa. “The dog had significant fur loss on his legs, head and flanks,” he said. “The fur that he did have would have been pale or white if it were clean, however it was filthy, wet and matted.
“The patches of skin that I could see were red and sore looking with small open and pussy wounds. His legs were twitching slightly but he did not appear able to move or even lift his head.”
Inspector Milborrow told Kate Powell that he needed to get Alfie to a vet immediately. Inspector Milborrow said she was “extremely upset and crying uncontrollably”. You can sign up to our Wales crime and punishment newsletter here.
An emergency vet told the RSPCA there was nothing that could be done for Alfie and recommended he be put to sleep immediately to prevent further suffering. Marley was also taken in by the RSPCA to be rehomed.

In a witness statement the vet wrote: “In my opinion there has been significant neglect over a long period of time, both in overall condition and care of the dog, but also disregard for more serious illness which needed urgent attention.”
On Thursday, April 7 at Newport Magistrates’ Court David Powell was handed a suspended sentence order of 12 weeks of custody suspended for 12 months along with 90 hours unpaid work. He was disqualified from keeping dogs for seven years and was ordered to pay £378 including a victim surcharge.
Kate Powell, of Lower Hill Street, Blaenavon, was sentenced on March 17 and magistrates handed her a five-year disqualification of keeping dogs and ordered her to pay an £800 fine including a victim surcharge.