Moving house can be an exciting but hectic time, and moving with a dog or two can make matters even more complicated.
Today we reveal a simple check list with four handy tips to help keep you right once you've made the big shift.
There are four people dog owners must update with information about the dogs and it is best done days before any change of address.
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When you get a pet microchipped, your contact details will be taken and stored alongside your pet’s microchip number. Making sure your pet’s microchip details are up to date should be done a day or so before you move. Remember, if you’ve provided your home phone number, you’ll have to update this too.
Collar tag
Moving house can be unsettling and disorientating for pets. If your pet goes missing, having the correct contact information on their collar tag will ensure they’re returned to you quickly and safely. If your address or home phone number is on the tag, you’ll need to replace this when you move.

Pet insurance
Vet fees vary around the country and therefore the region you live in impacts the price of your pet insurance policy. For this reason, it’s vital you update your insurance provider when you move home. Your insurance could be invalid if you fail to do this.
If you’re staying in the same area when you move and have chosen to stick with your existing vet, you’ll need to update the practice so any correspondence goes to the right place.
Becky Thwaites, Head of Public Affairs at national pet charity Blue Cross, said: “We know how heartbreaking it can be when a beloved family pet goes missing. If pets aren’t microchipped then there is no way of reuniting them with their owner so it’s vital to update your details when you move house.

“By law all dogs and puppies over the age of eight weeks need to be microchipped and need to wear a collar and tag. We recommend you add your mobile number to the tag so you can be easily contacted if your dog is found.”
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