Ayushman Bharat, the government’s flagship programme to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), was launched in 2018. The scheme has two inter-related components: health and wellness centres and the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) that aims to provide a health cover of ₹5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation to over 12 crore families that form the bottom 40% of the population. PM-JAY has issued 34.27 crore cards. About 6.5 crore have received treatment and there are over 30,000 empanelled hospitals. However, over the past year, hospitals in some States have reported they are owed hundreds of crores in dues, and some are reportedly turning away or taking in fewer PMJAY patients. Does PMJAY need a design change? Avani Kapur and Nachiket Mor discuss the question in a conversation moderated by Zubeda Hamid. Edited excerpts:
Also read | Women account for approximately 49% of the total Ayushman cards created, says Health Ministry data
Avani Kapur: Nachiket spoke about the supply side, and I wanted to bring in the demand side. It’s interesting that of empanelled hospitals, while 43% are private, the rest are government. There is a belief that a private hospital delivers better services and so people choose to go to a private hospital even when they have a public hospital close to them. It’s possible that this is not just an assumption: in most places, the chances of getting better quality care in a private hospital could be higher than in a public hospital. We have not done enough to increase belief in the public health system.
Why would the private sector turn away patients? One, capacity. In many States, the number of people per empanelled healthcare provider (EHCP) is really high. In Bihar, it was over 10,000 families per EHCP. So, you don’t necessarily have an adequate number of beds and facilities to be able to cater to that demand. Two, the delays in claim payments despite the guidelines being clear about turnaround time. Three, there are claim rejections too, which means a hospital takes in a patient, does the surgery, and then the insurance company rejects that claim because of documentation errors or a technicality. Four, the Union government has put a cap on the amount you can charge for different treatments. That doesn’t always work well for private providers.
To deliver PMJAY will be difficult until the public sector is strengthened. This is because patients will choose to go to an already overburdened private player. Of course, private hospitals charge more and may do unnecessary procedures, but what is often not spoken about enough is that there is a burden on them because the public sector either isn’t performing or people don’t trust the sector to perform.
Nachiket Mor: The issue of delays [in payments] should not have anything to do with poor or rich States; these are technology-enabled platforms. The fact is, in Shravasti district in U.P., for example, there isn’t enough hospital capacity. This is the driver of these differences. In most jurisdictions around the world, there is an obligation for the insurer to have network adequacy. This means you can’t offer an insurance scheme unless you have hospitals nearby. That restriction is not there in India, so you can offer a card to somebody even though there is no way for him to go and claim it. And that is a key deficiency in much of the northern and north-eastern States. And that’s where we need to pay attention. The private sector is unlikely to go to Bastar and build a hospital. It would have to be led by the public sector for the foreseeable future.
Avani Kapur: In the current design and given the fiscal cost, it may be too much to expect the current model of PMJAY to cover everything. But there are lots of interesting State schemes that are taking care of providing free medicines: Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan are doing great work in trying to provide some form of universal healthcare. India is ranked 67th out of 189 countries in terms of out-of-pocket expenditure. Also, the Union government is meant to allocate 60% of PMJAY funds, but the amount [it is] actually spending is less than this. In some ways, PMJAY was designed to take care of [healthcare cost] shocks, as inpatient treatments can cost a lot relative to outpatient treatments. But we need to think about it in its entirety rather than looking at it as bits and pieces.
Avani Kapur: I agree. I don’t think in its current design, insurance is going to yield what we want it to yield, which is not just reducing out-of-pocket expenditure, but also ensuring quality care. A recent paper on low- and middle-income countries and health insurance said the issue is not just whether government subsidy should be channelled through health insurance or direct subsidies to public facilities, but how do you reach a system where you have specific payment structures and non price mechanisms that can actually change both provider behaviour and also patient choice? In its current form, I don’t think PMJAY is going to get us there unless we focus a lot more on the public health system.
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Nachiket Mor is Visiting Scientist, Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health; Avani Kapur is Senior Visiting Fellow, Centre for Policy Research and Founder-Director, Foundation for Responsive Governance