It’s the best time of the Australian entertainment year — Logies season. However, this year the powers that be are doing things a little bit differently and as a result, it seems like Home And Away — the one series that has been the most successful in taking home a shiny trophy — has been royally snubbed in this year’s nominations. Let’s get into it, shall we?
Home And Away received just one Logie nomination this year, with actor Tristan Gorey (who plays hunky Doctor Levi Flower) in the running for Most Popular New Talent. While that’s a nice nod for Gorey, Home and Away being snubbed in every other eligible category in 2024 is actually kind of wild.

Home And Away has always been a front-runner at the TV WEEK Logie awards. This is the first time it’s been in the running for a single award since the show premiered more than three decades ago, in 1988. Plus, it’s the first time that the drama — which introduced us to so many of today’s household names like Chris Hemsworth and Isla Fisher — hasn’t copped a nomination for the ‘Most Popular Drama’ category. That feels juicy to me, no?
Home And Away‘s lack of nominations could be a result of a shake-up of the award structure. You see, in previous years, the awards were separated into two categories. You had the “popular” awards, which were voted on by the public. And then there were the “outstanding” awards, which were decided by a team of big dogs within the television and media industry.
This year, only three popular titles remain: The Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality, Most Popular Presenter and the Most Popular New Talent. All of the other awards have been renamed from “popular” or “outstanding” to “best”.
According to TV WEEK’s editorial director Amber Giles, this change also sees the previously industry-only votes opened to the public.
“With the nominations announced, it’s now over to the public to have their say,” Giles told TV Tonight.
“The public can vote on more categories than ever before, so if you are passionate about TV and want to see your favourite stars and shows shine, then get voting!”
The publication has also stated the winners will be determined by a combo of Logies judging panel, viewing data and public votes which was put in place “to ensure the awards evolve and prosper as well as reflect Australia’s vibrant, dynamic and world-class television industry, alongside the viewing habits of Australians.”

Of course, it’ll be interesting to see who takes home the Logie on the night. Although I’m sure most people reading this would love to see people like Robert Irwin or Tony Armstrong take home the big prize, I think it’s more likely to see Australia embrace and award the old dogs doing the same tricks as we did last year with Sonia Kruger‘s Gold Logie win.
If the nomination list and shift in voting technique is anything to go off, I think it’s a sign that the Logies are truly embracing a new era of television — and that makes me really fkn excited.
While there’s no question that Australian television itself could obviously do better — the list of Logies nominees is more diverse in age, race and gender than we’ve seen before. Streaming series like Boy Swallows Universe are getting more recognition than ever and there’s even a Gold Logie nominee from a streaming platform — Asher Keddie for STRIFE.
Look, it may not be the Emmys or the Oscars, but the Logies are the best we’ve got. And, as a television enthusiast, I’m excited to see the TV WEEK Logies doing its bit to remain relevant to a younger audience and give the impeccable talent we have in Australia the kudos they deserve.
You can vote for your favourite shows and celebrities to win a Logie HERE, and you can catch the 64th annual TV WEEK Logie Awards at 7pm on Sunday, August 18 on Channel Seven.
The post Does Home And Away’s Logies Snub Indicate A Fresh New Era For Aus TV’s Night Of Nights? appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .