Warning: Mild Borderlands spoilers below!
The long-awaited live-action Borderlands has arrived – and we know what you're thinking. Post-credit scenes are pretty popular nowadays, and we can credit Marvel movies for that. With the CEO of Gearbox saying that a Borderlands Cinematic Universe has been planned, fans might feel inclined to stay seated after the credits roll to see if there's a post-credit scene that might tease the next Borderlands movie.
If you've already seen the film, or, if you just want to know ahead of time, we've not only answered your question but provided a brief breakdown.
Does Borderlands have a post-credits scene?

Borderlands does not have a post-credits scene, but it does have a mid-credits scene. The scene, which only lasts for a few moments, features Claptrap dancing before the credits roll him up and away. He makes the fourth wall joke that the dance scene was supposed to be his "Easter egg." Other than this fun scene, there's no need to stay past the credits.
If you were hoping a post-credits scene would set up a sequel or feature another character from the video game franchise, fear not. Gearbox founder and CEO Randy Pitchford says the studio has many more movies planned, and that he'd love to feature other fan-favorite characters that weren't in the first film.
Borderlands is in theaters now. For more, check out our guide to the Borderlands movie ending, our chat with Ariana Greenblatt and Florian Munteanu about prepping for their roles, and an interview with Randy Pitchford about the pressure of making a live-action video game adaptation.