After literal YEARS of debate, the verdict is in, folks: the G-spot is, in fact, real! Yep, time to craft a V. knowledgable text to your ex to let them know that doctors have happened across some definitive evidence that the erogenous zone is most certainly a thing.
A research team in Turkey believe they’ve confirmed the G-spot’s existence — which, ICYMI (both figuratively and literally), is located a few inches into the vagina — as detailed in a new study published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology.
As per the New York Post, the researchers found that women experienced fewer and less intense orgasms following surgery to an area long-assumed to contain the G-spot. A crime, TBH.
They tracked the sexual function of 89 patients who had anterior colporrhaphy operations, a reproductive procedure that repairs weakness of the vaginal front wall that causes the bladder to droop.
The observed patients — aged between 24 and 62 — filled out a “Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire” prior to their surgery, as well as six months post-op, to determine how their sex lives were impacted.
The study’s authors noted that while arousal and libido remained the same, they “found a remarkable decrease in orgasm in these patients” after surgery, with a suggestion that the G-spot was damaged during the operation.
It was also highlighted that pain during sex increased post-op.
The anterior wall of the vagina (where the G-spot is alleged to be) swells during arousal and can be attributed to aiding orgasms.
However, its size, location, and name have often been disagreed upon among researchers, with some even claiming the term is misleading.
The New York Post reported that some studies disregard the G-spot as an “anatomical structure” and chalk up its ability to produce pleasure as being an “extension of the clitoris”. Y’know, that collection of nerve endings that is sometimes also looked over without a second glance…
As for the recent study, the Turkish researchers only monitored patients for six months post-surgery. As such, long-term studies will still need to occur to confirm their findings.
The post Doctors Have Found Evidence That The G-Spot Exists So Tell That To Yr Ex Who Could Never Find It appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .