A teenager has miraculously escaped death after a parasitic tapeworm was found on his brain.
The unnamed 14-year-old had been experiencing headaches and vomiting for a month before the gruesome discovery.
He was rushed to hospital where doctors performed an MRI scan, revealing a massive cyst.
The schoolboy, from India, was diagnosed with a form of echinococcosis, an infectious disease caused by tapeworms and it's believed he contracted this after being in contact with infected livestock or dog faeces.
After undergoing a craniotomy, where a small hole is cut in the skull, revealing the brain, the large cyst was successfully removed.
Video footage shows doctors gently separating the cyst wall from the brain to avoid rupture.
According to local reports, the boy returned to school and resumed normal activities two weeks after being discharged – but the situation could have been fatal if left untreated.

The case study was published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
In another horror surgery case, a five-year-old boy complaining of an "ear infection" turned out to have a battery lodged in his throat for five weeks.
Luke McMillan, from Arizona, US, was an energetic little toddler who was prone to the odd ear infection as he would often rub his ears.
Mum Erica McMillan took him to the doctors to get checked out and he was given antibiotics and told the infection will eventually clear up.

He seemed to get better and was on the up, however, Luke was struggling to swallow solid foods as he would bring them back up.
Luke's parents decided to switch his diet from solids to liquids to make sure he was still able to eat.
Erica told The State: "We just assumed it was a side effect because he’s kind of done that before where he doesn’t really want to eat anything."
And on Valentine's Day, it was reported that a dad's leg "snapped in half" after awkwardly landing on a trampoline.
Ryan Schelin, 30, had taken his kids to DEFY Boise trampoline park in Nampa, Idaho, US, when he challenged himself to bounce high enough to touch the top of a 12ft padded wall.

But in shocking footage, which has since gone viral, the dad-of-three is seen raising his hands during a mid-air celebration as he achieves the feat to the delight of his cheering family.
However, 18-stone Ryan then "loses concentration" and lands with all his weight on his right leg - causing it to "buckle" under the pressure and "snap" with a loud crack.
Ryan said the accident left him able to "fold his leg in half" and see the bones sticking out of his flesh.
After being blue-lighted to hospital he was forced to undergo surgery where a metal rod was inserted to hold the two broken bones together for the rest of his life.
Ryan's wife Shandra Schelin, 30, has since banned him and their three children from playing on a trampoline again.