With the summer holiday season now fast approaching, many Brits will be excitedly looking forward to some much-longed-for sunshine overseas.
However, one doctor has urged holiday goers to avoid too much air travel, particularly on cramped planes, warning of the impact this can have on a person's sex life.
According to Dr Florence Comite, there is a link between anxiety, claustrophobia, and concerns regarding insufficient space and how this can affect libido.
Dr Comite, who is from Brooklyn, US, says that travellers should be careful when it comes to their flying habits, with air travel triggering an individual's "flight-and-fight mechanism."

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Yale Medical School educated Dr Comite explained: "Getting on a plane in anticipation lowers your sex drive because it's anxiety-provoking, we don't know what's going to happen and it's a tight space.
"It drives your flight-and-fight mechanism. So hormones that go up in the brain like norepinephrine and epinephrine will lower testosterone and that will immediately have an effect on libido and even sexual function."
In order to stop your libido from flagging, Dr Comite advises those preparing for upcoming holidays to make sure they anticipate and plan for their trip in advance.
Her top tips include ensuring all important tasks are done and that you've had a good night's sleep, encouraging against cheap 6am flights where you'll need to be at the airport by 4am to check-in.
Dr Comite continued: "Also, meditating turns off the genes that lead to increases in the hormones, by decreasing some you are keeping testosterone where you should be.
"And it's a great way to make you travel better and feel better. If you travel frequently, she also recommends getting between six to eight hours sleep per night, but no less than four."
Have you experienced side effects from too much travelling? We pay for stories. Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com