Over the course of its story, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness introduces viewers to a number of new Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, including America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) and Professor X (Patrick Stewart). However, it’s the film’s mid-credits scene that introduces moviegoers to Multiverse of Madness’ most unexpected and mysterious character.
While the character is played by a recognizable Hollywood star, there seems to be some confusion about who they’re actually portraying. Some Marvel Comics fans believe the character could be a major member of the X-Men, but that’s not actually the case.
Major spoilers ahead.
Doctor Strange 2: Is Charlize Theron playing Clea or Psylocke?

In the Multiverse of Madness mid-credits scene, Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is approached by a blonde woman in a purple costume who tells him that she needs his help to heal a multiversal incursion that he started. The woman is played by Charlize Theron, and she wields a cosmic dagger that allows her to cut open gateways into other dimensions.
The scene never explicitly states her identity, which has led Marvel fans to speculate that she could be either Clea or Psylocke. The former is a powerful sorceress who becomes Stephen Strange’s wife, while the latter is a notable member of the X-Men who’s also taken on the mantle of Captain Britain.
Theron’s character does sport a purple-centric look that’s reminiscent of Psylocke’s traditional comic book costume. Additionally, the cosmic tool she conjures in her Multiverse of Madness scene is similar to the kind of psychic weapons and daggers that Psylocke frequently uses. Theron does not, however, boast what are possibly Psylocke’s most identifiable features: Her dark purple hair and eyes.
That’s because Theron isn’t playing Psylocke in Multiverse of Madness. Instead, she’s playing Clea.
The character’s identity was revealed in several early Multiverse of Madness leaks, and Theron even sports the same silvery-blonde hair that Clea does in the comics, as well as a purple costume similar to Clea’s comic book outfit. The most telling clue comes when she cuts open a gateway to the Dark Dimension, which just so happens to be inhabited by Clea’s uncle, Dormammu.

The Inverse Analysis — While Clea’s introduction in Multiverse of Madness seems undeniably abrupt, it makes sense that Marvel has finally chosen to bring the character into the MCU. What better time to introduce Strange’s wife than at the end of the same film that seemingly brings an end to his on-again, off-again relationship with Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams)?
Fans will just have to wait until Marvel decides to catch back up with Strange before they get to find out exactly what kind of trouble he and Clea are getting into at the end of Multiverse of Madness.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now playing in theaters.