All eyes have been on King Charles III following his ascension to the throne earlier this month - and there is one aspect of his appearance that has drawn more attention than most.
Since he was a baby, the new king's hands have been discussed by his nearest and dearest including the Queen herself. In a letter to her former music teacher after he was born, Elizabeth II said: "The baby is very sweet and we are enormously proud of him. He has an interesting pair of hands for a baby.
"They are rather large, but with fine long fingers quite unlike mine and certainly unlike his father's. It will be interesting to see what they become. I still find it hard to believe I have a baby of my own!"
Read more: GP surgeries will close in Wales on Monday for Queen's funeral
In fact, the king himself even jokingly called them his "sausage fingers" back in 2012 while on tour in Australia. Eagled-eyed royalists say they are particularly red and swollen after he has spent long periods flying or travelling to hot countries.
Now British doctor, Dr Gareth Nye has explained what health condition could be responsible for this issue. He said: "Oedema is a condition where the body starts to retain fluids in the limbs, normally the legs and ankles but also in the fingers, which causes them to swell.
"To see if this is the cause, pressing the swollen area for about 15 seconds would cause a depression in the area." He also noted that older people can develop the disorder if they sit for long periods of time.

Dr Nye, a senior lecturer at the University of Chester, said another potential reason for the "sausage fingers" is arthritis. He added: "Arthritis - another common condition in the over 60s. It often affects three main areas in the hand - the thumb joint or either joints in the fingers. Fingers usually become stiff, painful and swollen and although medication can help with the pain, the swelling can remain."
Other causes, he added, could be a high salt diet or specific medications like those made for high blood pressure. But despite these possibilities, Dr Nye was quick to make clear they were far from a sign of a major health issue for the new king. He added: "There certainly aren't any immediate health concerns to be concluded from swollen fingers and is most likely a sign of his age."
What is Oedema?
Oedema is a build-up of fluid in the body, which can cause the affected tissue to become swollen. Swelling can occur in one particular part of the body, or it may be more general - depending on the cause. Doctors note that oedema is often temporary, but if it does not clear by itself, you should see a GP.
Symptoms include:
- swelling
- skin discolouration
- areas of skin that temporarily hold the imprint of your finger when pressed (pitting oedema)
- aching, tender limbs
- stiff joints
- weight gain.
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