There’s a lot to learn when it comes to your Keurig, and it doesn’t just stop with making sure you’re buying one of the best Keurig coffee makers on the market. While you can make your Keurig last longer by learning cleaning solutions like how to descale your Keurig with vinegar, there’s another hack we’ve learned that actually makes a lot of sense.
It doesn’t matter which of the best coffee makers you’re using, maintenance is always key. Luckily, there’s always creators on TikTok sharing their best tips and tricks, and we’ve found one that relates directly to the way you use your K-Cups in your Keurig machine. Here’s why you should be pre-puncturing your K-Cups:
@mindyclancy ♬ original sound - Mindy Clancy
With over six thousand views and counting, user @mindyclancy reveals that in order to get the best out of your Keurig (she’s using the Keurig K-Duo Essentials) you need to pre-puncture your K-Cups manually. She demonstrates how you should push them into the machine slowly with your own hand and then close the lid, rather than relying on the pressure from closing the lid with the handle.
There’s a few reasons for this. Firstly, she recommends anyone that lives at a high altitude always pre-punctures as there can be a pressure buildup within the pod. Secondly, if the pod has been overfilled, there could also be a pressure buildup that requires manually puncturing, so as not to damage your machine.
Finally, while closing the lid with the handle is a reliable way of doing this, over time your coffee machine suffers from a lot of strain and pressure that could break your machine earlier. You can help your Keurig last longer if you’re taking some of that pressure away from the machine by applying manual pressure. Considering it’s such an easy step to incorporate into your coffee making, it seems like a no-brainer.
Why should you regularly clean your coffee machine, and how?

It should come as no surprise that in order to make your coffee machine last longer, whether it’s a Keurig or another model, you need to clean it. To do this, you should always follow the instructions and recommended practices from the manual that comes with your specific appliance.
As @mindyclancy goes on to explain in the video description, the needle that punctures the K-Cups can suffer from buildup of coffee grounds. She adds that this is “one of the biggest issues people have with their Keurig’s over time.” But, to avoid this issue, you should really be looking into how to clean your coffee machine on a regular basis.
We've also done research to help you make your coffee machine last longer, by asking experts for their advice on questions like, should you really be cleaning your coffee maker with vinegar? Plus, 3 game-changing tips from spending a day at barista school. Essentially, a combination of pre-puncturing your K-Cups and ensuring the machine is regularly cleaned is the ultimate way to make sure your machine works longer, and we all want that.