A potato that could be the world’s biggest spud is being forced to undergo DNA testing to prove it’s actually a potato.
Colin and Donna Craig-Brown discovered the monstrous 7.8kg potato in their vegetable garden in August.
They nicknamed their finding, which weighs twice as much as the average newborn, ‘Doug’.
However, now, the New Zealand found spud will have to undergo DNA analysis to prove it’s a spud before it can claim its spot in the record books.
This has left the couple dejected and feeling betrayed.
Colin confirmed that they were requiring that a sample of Doug be sent to Scotland despite the experts, agronomists and field scientists the couple have had to verify the find.

He said: “Do they think I genetically modified it? It’s been a rollercoaster of emotion.
“While it’s extremely deflating, I want to prove them wrong. We will do everything they ask of us.”
A bit of Doug will end up at Researchers at Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (Sasa) who provide agricultural advice to the Scottish government.

They will genotype Doug to confirm he is a potato and possibly what variety he is too.
The Guinness World Records confirmed they were in touch with the biology department but Sasa has not yet received the bit of Doug.
The couple described the potato as their “happy little mistake of nature” they came across when the hoe struck something large.
Speaking to Stuff, Colin said: “It’s a hideous looking creature.
“It’s the sort of thing that only a mother could love.”
The couple think the potato is self-sown and could have been growing for a couple of years or more.

Whilst they await confirmation to see if Doug will take his place in the annals of history, they have built a small cart to tow the potato around town and show it off.
However, Colin is concerned about how long the potato will last for as it has already started to lose weight as it dries out and turns mouldy.
To ensure some preservation he has stored it in a freezer.
The current heaviest potato was found in Britain in 2011 and weight only just under 5kg, far less than Doug.