Shah Rukh Khan is marking his 58th birthday today, and on this special occasion, ETimes conducted an exclusive interview with Divya Dutta. Having shared the screen with the superstar in 'Veer Zara,' the actress discussed her memorable encounter with SRK, what distinguishes him as an actor, and more. Excerpts...
What was your first impression of Shah Rukh Khan like?
I saw Shah Rukh Khan on the screen for the first time in 'Fauji'. I remember being heavily infatuated by him like many girls then. One of the girls in the class had spread this rumour that Shah Rukh is visiting. And we all bunked our class and we sat all day waiting for Abhimanyu to come, which never happened.
My first meeting with him was a very filmy style meeting. I had gone to a film office and I had my portfolio with me. I was rushing down after the meeting and he was coming up. And in a completely filmy way, we bumped into each other and my photos fell. I wish it was a slow-motion shot. I just froze when I saw him. I recognised him. He looked at me and said, 'Hello, Divya. How are you?' I was blown away by the fact that he knew my name. I asked him how he knew my name to which he said, 'I know you because your name is on the shortlist for some film'. And the beauty was that he remembered. I felt very special that he remembers things and makes people feel very nice personally.
What, according to you, makes SRK stand apart from the rest?
He is extremely and inherently charming and very chivalrous. He looks over his co-stars very beautifully and makes everyone feel so integral to the entire film, to the entire team that you have no choice but to deliver your best. Plus he's so much fun to be on the sets.
Any fun or interesting anecdotes that you remember from the times you have spent with the superstar?
I remember a bunch of us were coming back from an award show. Apart from me, there were Vidya Balan and Dia Mirza. We were flying back with Shah Rukh. As usual, he was mobbed by fans and the security was trying to keep him safe but he waited until all the ladies sat in their respective cars and left. He is extremely knowledgeable and his passion just rubs on to you and makes you give your best. He is so full of life and so driven that you've got to fall in love with the man absolutely!
Any message that you would love to give SRK on his birthday?
I just want to wish the Badshah of Bollywood all the very best. I wish him a charming birthday and hope he keeps receiving loads of love from everybody. I also hope to break into peels of laughter with him yet again on the sets and see him weave his magic on screen once again. Happy birthday, Shah!