Sometimes the best streaming services have so much new content that the best shows can be missed all too easily. That's what happened with me and Dream Productions for a couple of weeks – the Inside Out spin-off series that just released on Disney+ this month.
Fortunately, at the end of a long weekend and whilst browsing through various pages, Pixar's mockumentary-style trailer jumped out at me. Dream Productions jumps right into the world of Inside Out, but rather than dealing with young Riley's emotions – manifested as Joy, et al – this series is about the dream department.
Paula Persimmon, a dream director, is the main character who you're first introduced to – whose recent dream production haven't been quite hitting the mark. No surprise, given her adolescent teenager is going through changes and her thought processes are no longer simple.
Dream Productions is a no-brainer to watch for anyone who enjoyed the Inside Out movie and its sequel – and it perfectly ties together movies and series, albeit the latter in a mocumentary style that's often hilarious. Fans have been loving it, though, as at the time of writing the series has netted a perfect 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

I think Dream Productions is a dream show for all the family – especially over the festive period where you want shows that the kids'll love, but also ones with in-jokes that adults can appreciate too. Whether it's Rainbow Unicorn or Richard Ayoade's somber voice – he plays a daydream director – there's plenty to keep you smiling.
There's lots of other top-quality animation to be aware of around the Christmas period too. BBC One will be showing the new Wallace & Gromit movie on 25 December – Netflix gets it for worldwide streaming on 3 January – and if you love that, then I've rounded up the Best Family-Friendly Animations To Watch Next for your viewing pleasure too.