Actor Disha Patani is being called out for sharing an anime artwork on Instagram, claiming that it was drawn by her little brother, Suryansh. Several Instagram users and even plagiarism policing account Diet Sabya have revealed the true artist behind it.
The picture posted by Disha is a fan art of the character Malina from the video game Helltaker. Sharing it, Disha wrote, “#sketchbysuri my little bro’s art inspired by inhoso.” However, the original art and her brother’s art are exactly the same. The only thing missing is the watermark from the original post.
The sketch was first posted on Argentinian artist Inhoso’s account in July. When he came to know about Disha’s post, he took to Instagram Stories to thank fans for notifying him about it. “Sorry I fell asleep. The thing is that this influencer/celeb reposted one of my drawing, cropped it (the watermark) and claimed her little brother drew it. I am not her little brother and this whole thing is without my consent,” he wrote.
The artist added that they cannot take any action against Disha because he has no rights to the character, as what he drew was a fan art. “Fan arts are actually kind of illegal so I can’t do much about it. I know it’s a bit frustrating but it’s a copyright character,” he said. He also thanked his followers for jumping to his defence and said, “The only thing that I should say is chill, I know it is frustrating but we are not going anywhere being mean and insulting them.”
Disha was also called out in the comments section of her post. “Eyyy yoo wtf disha this is not how it should work. You shouldn’t steal someone’s art work and post it and name it ‘your little brother’s work’. Everyone, this art work is of,” read a comment. “U seriously thought no one would get to know u have stolen the edit?,” read another comment.
This is not the first time Diet Sabya has called out Disha Patani. In Februrary, her song Do You Love Me from Baaghi 3 was found to be a copy of Troy Boi and Parris Goebel’s Do You. Even her outfit was the same as one featured in the original music video.
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