UK dance duo Disclosure have sprung a surprise by announcing that their fourth album, Alchemy, will be released this Friday, 14 July. The band - which comprises brothers Guy and Howard Lawrence - had already confirmed that a 10th anniversary reissue of their debut album, Settle, will land on 11 August.
Explaining the rush release, Guy said: “This record is a celebration of us feeling liberated right now. We’re no longer signed to a major record label. We’re not going to tour this record. We can do whatever we like and be super creative.”
Alchemy is described as a ‘back to basics’ record; there are no guest vocalists and it contains no samples. It’s also said to be a more personal affair than Disclosure’s previous releases.
“All our other albums were written in third person,” explains Guy. “Before now, very few of our songs were about things that happened to us and our lives.”
Work on the album began with the two brothers in separate locations. Howard sent Guy sketches of songs he’d been working on and he added his own touches; later, the process was reversed. Finally, the pair met up in London to bring Alchemy to completion.
“With our last record, the emphasis was on finishing the tracks as well as we could. Whereas with this one, it was on starting them as well as we could,” Howard explains.
Alchemy will be released on 14 July on Apollo Records via AWAL Recordings. Disclosure will be hosting a free London party tonight at a venue yet to be confirmed, while the album launch party will take place at The Cause in London on Friday night.