Every time I flick on YouTube there's another video of the Cboys doing something conventional norms would say they shouldn't or even couldn't. And this time it, involves a custom cooler kart—yea, you read that correctly.
I didn't even know these things existed until Ben whips it out of the box and reveals a tricked-out custom cart, that's built around a cooler as its centerpiece. This rig alone would be enough to make a video about, but of course, the boys go a step further with an insane motor swap.
From the get-go, the kart's a ripper. We can see that it's fitted with Renthal handlebars, a hydraulic brake, gas-reservoir shocks all 'round, knobby tires, and a motor that sounds like it's been lifted from a go-kart.
Ben starts drifting the kart around the shop like a wild man before Evan hops aboard and, of course, wheelies ensue.
So drifts and wheelies on a kart where you sit on a cooler—that sounds like more than enough, right? Wrong. The boys have a plan in store to make this kart even more bonkers.
Time for a motor swap. But it's not just any motor—it's the engine out of Micah's CRF 150R. After the lads orchestrate a plan to get Micah out of the shop for a while, they pull the engine out of his CRF 150R and send it, along with the cooler kart, to a mechanic who gets the swap done in just two days.
Once the new engine is in, the kart is as sketchy as you'd imagine. It's now capable of rolling burnouts, donuts, and power wheelies. Just watching Evan ride it for the first time is enough to make you question if you want to see any more. But a Cboys video isn't complete until they take their project build to the dirt track, or as I've come to call it, the graveyard of ambition.
Here the cooler kart takes corners like a purpose-built ATV, throwing dirt like a jet ski displaces water. After this, it's time to take it airborne over some jumps to see what the suspension, and frame, can handle. I won't spoil the ending. Just watch.