DirecTV just announced that it would discontinue its proprietary set-top box for its DirecTV Stream customers, and now we're beginning to understand a little of the pay TV operator's strategy.
Amazon has announced a new deeper integration of the DirecTV Stream app on its Fire TV devices.
With the update, Amazon Fire TV aims to improve search access to DirecTV linear channels and to seamlessly integrating DirecTV programming into the "Live" tab and guide in the Fire TV UX.
Per an Amazon blog post, the following capabilities have been enabled for Stream subscribers:
* Recently Watched: Fire TV will surface channels subscribers recently watched on the home screen.
* On Now: Users will be able to discover live channels directly through this row on the home screen.
* "Live’" tab: Users will be able to browse favorite channels, live sports and breaking news events.
* Guide: Users can see what’s airing now and in the next 14 days with one click via your Fire TV remote or the "Live" tab.
* Search: The UX will display integrated results for live TV and apps.
* Alexa: DirecTV subscribers can use Alexa on their Fire TV device to search for linear airings, pull up the guide, and simplify channel discovery for live TV via voice, e.g. “Alexa, tune to ABC in DirecTV.”
DirecTV Stream already had support for all the key connected TV gateway apps. It now appears that DirecTV is working with the big tech operators of these platforms to integrate user experiences that surpass the typical vMVPD.