In a shocking turn of events, the director of Patriot Park, an exhibition park showcasing Russia's military prowess, has been arrested on fraud charges. This development comes as part of a broader investigation into alleged abuse of power within the upper ranks of the military leadership.
The head of Patriot Park, Vyacheslav Akhmedov, and Maj. Gen Vladimir Shesterov, a top official in the Defense Ministry, were both detained on suspicion of embezzling government funds designated for the park's operations. Patriot Park, often referred to as Russia's 'military Disneyland,' was established in 2015 and features an array of military displays, battle reenactments, and a variety of facilities spread across its vast 5,400-hectare premises.
Notably, the park includes an air base, firing range, museums, conference center, and a Russian Orthodox cathedral dedicated to the armed forces. The cathedral, consecrated by Patriarch Kirill in 2020, showcases mosaics of both Soviet and Russian soldiers and was supported by personal donations from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This latest arrest follows a series of high-profile detentions of senior military figures associated with former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was recently replaced by Putin. Shoigu, a close ally of the president, was reassigned to the role of secretary of Russia's Security Council, prompting a wave of dismissals and arrests within his inner circle.
Shoigu had faced criticism for Russia's military setbacks in Ukraine and was accused of incompetence and corruption by figures such as mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who staged a brief mutiny in June 2023 calling for Shoigu's removal.