Mark, 64, Swindon

Occupation Self-employed railway auditor
Voting record Mostly Conservative, but thinking maybe Reform next time
Amuse bouche Mark once appeared with his local cricket club in a film for National Poetry Day. “I bowled to the batsman, he got an outside edge and the slip caught it – we did it in the first take”
Laura, 54, Swindon

Occupation Gardener
Voting record Always Labour, apart from the occasional local election when she has voted Liberal Democrat
Amuse bouche Laura has been a life model for artists and was in the BBC’s Life Drawing Live! during the pandemic. “The nation has seen my arse!”
For starters
Mark It was a Spanish restaurant, so we shared tapas. I had two pints of Estrella. Laura was friendly and approachable. Like me, she has had a lot of different roles in her working life and that’s good. I’ve worked in transport, as a sports club manager, a milkman and a groundsman. And I have six kids.
Laura I’m vegetarian – I had aubergine chips, a tortilla and cauliflower florets with a paprika dip. Mark was easy to talk to. I made the mistake of having a second glass of wine, which loosened my tongue more than I intended.

The big beef
Mark I have osteoarthritis and can’t really move until I get my new hip. So I applied for a personal independence payment. I was mortified as I’ve always worked, but I had no income, so I had no choice. I had a phone interview and was awarded it for three years, plus employment and support allowance and a blue badge, and my wife got carer’s allowance. I don’t need that for three years – once I get my new hip, I’m going back to work. It’s too generous and people will take advantage.
Laura My experience of benefits was when I was on maternity leave and was looking for a job because we had run out of money. There was a question about whether I had caring responsibilities, and if so how quickly I could be available for work. I had a nine-month-old, so said I would need 48 hours’ notice – one day to find a childminder and one for a trial session – and my claim was rejected on the grounds that I was not fully available for work.
Mark It’s too easy to stay on benefits – there should be reviews. I’d rather see people at work, it’s important for their self-respect, and better for the country.
Laura I’ve worked with charities for teenagers in dire situations – no family backup, no ID, no national insurance numbers. And they have been left for weeks with no money. It’s appalling. Yes, there are people who take advantage. However, the majority are only doing it because they are in crisis.

Sharing plate
Mark There wasn’t a lot of common ground. We did agree that multimillionaires who find loopholes and pay no tax should be chased to the ends of the earth to pay what they owe.
Laura We had shared values in things like family and work ethic, and when we hit something where we were diametrically opposed it was a shock.

For afters
Mark The income tax burden should be lower. If people had more of their own money to spend, it would wash into the economy rather than being taken and wasted by central government.
Laura The language we use around paying tax is wrong; we see it as having money taken off us rather than contributing to the society we are a part of. I have also begrudged paying my taxes, so I’m a hypocrite.
Mark Labour will win the next election, but Starmer will get turned over – there’ll be a coup d’etat by the left of the party and he’ll be replaced by Corbyn. I can’t think of anything worse.
Laura That’s not going to happen! With Corbyn I did feel excited by politics again, like Labour was going back to its roots. I’ve been disappointed by him since – not doing enough to acknowledge the impact the accusations of antisemitism were having on the party.

Mark If you listen to different people and debate, rather than saying, “You’re wrong,” or getting cancelled, the world might be improved a bit. If Israel and Hamas, or Ukraine and Russia, could sit down together at the local tapas bar it might solve a few things.
Laura We had no end of things to talk about – we were the last people in the restaurant. I genuinely enjoyed Mark’s company. It was only when I reflected on some of the big differences that I thought, hang on a moment …

Additional reporting: Kitty Drake
• Laura and Mark ate at Los Gatos in Swindon.
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