Post police on Pamban bridge
The road bridge constructed on the sea at Pamban has become a place of tourist attraction. Vehicles are parked indiscriminately on the bridge by tourists and pilgrims visiting Rameswaram. Without realising the risk involved, they walk across from one side to the other causing hindrance to free flow of traffic. Buses, lorries and cars find it difficult to pass through the bridge due to parking of vehicles in large numbers. There should be 24-four presence of police force at the spot as a preventive measure before something worse happens.
Asmabagh Anvardeen,
Train to Bengaluru is the urgent need
We, the railway users in southern districts, are thankful to the Southern Railway for introducing various regular/summer special trains on the Shencotttah route. However, we are in urgent need of a train connecting Shencottah and Bengaluru which will no doubt fulfill the age-old desire of people of various towns on this route.
P. Sulaiman,