A weight loss expert has revealed which fruits can slow down weight loss.
Dr Michael Mosley is an advocate of rapid weight loss instead of slow and steady loss.
As the founder of the 5:2 diet and Very Fast 800, a 'short-term rapid weight loss' programme, Dr Mosley advises people to consume just 800 calories per day while enjoying a moderately low-carb Mediterranean diet.
However, if that is too extreme for some, Dr Mosley also recommends the 5:2 diet where hopeful dieters pick two days of the week where they consume only 800 calories.
There are no other calorie restrictions for the remaining five days, but again dieters can enjoy a moderately low-carb Mediterranean diet, the Express reports.

Dr Mosley also advises avoiding certain fruits that could hinder a dieter's weight loss by slowing it down. While fruits such as pineapple, mango, and melon, are tempting and sweet, they should be avoided.
Instead, slimmers should opt for fruits such as berries, apples, and pears, according to the weight loss expert. This is because such fruits contain 'less sugar', a substance that can be devastating for weight loss.
The expert also advises that dieters limit their consumption of sugary drinks, desserts, treats, and sugar itself. Another often overlooked sugary item is breakfast cereals which are 'laden with sugar' - Dr Mosley instead recommends rolled outs which contain more fibre and less sugar.
Dieters should also focus on healthy fats and oils by consuming olive oil, oily fish, and avocado. The rapid weight loss advocate also recommends nuts as they are a strong source of vitamins, mineral, fiber, and healthy fats.
Meanwhile, people can get their protein from high quality products such as turkey, chicken, oily fish, pork, eggs, beans, lentils, and seeds.