Another eyebrow-raising comment from Donald Trump's biography "Apprentice in Wonderland" involving yet another female celebrity is making its rounds. This time it's not about Taylor Swift or Debra Messing. It's about the late comedian Joan Rivers.
Rivers, known for her comedy and controversial hot takes on "Fashion Police," also won season eight of Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice” in 2009. In an interview with author Ramin Setoodeh for the book, Trump insists that the comedian voted for him in 2016. Sounds plausible . . . except she died from surgery complications in 2014 — two years before the 2016 election when Trump became president.
“Joan said she was a Republican, did you know that?” Setoodeh asked Trump.
“I thought she might have been a Republican,” Trump said. “I know one thing: she voted for me, according to what she said.”
People Magazine requested Trump's spokesperson to comment on the claim and did not receive a response.
Rivers' daughter Melissa was also on "Celebrity Apprentice" with Rivers. However, Melissa was fired from the competition during that season. According to the book, Trump said, “Joan was so angry. She went crazy when I fired the daughter.”