In offering its Xfinity cable subscribers discounted bundles of Netflix, Peacock and Apple TV Plus, Comcast will be offering three of the top seven most coveted technology/media/telecom brands, according to analysis of a Hub Entertainment Research survey of 3,000 consumers.

Comcast has announced few details about its bundle, called StreamSaver, since company chairman and CEO Brian Roberts mentioned it earlier this week at a MoffettNathanson investor conference.
But by establishing a closer bundling relationship with the largest video streaming company, Comcast has the potential to bundle the three services consumers say they most want packaged together: high-speed internet, Netflix and wireless.
This potential hasn't escaped the notice of Verizon, either, which has also bundled Netflix into various iterations.

For its part, Hub suggests the real potential of bundling will be unlocked with packages that reach beyond just video streaming. Younger consumers, Hub's survey noted, reported using an average of 16.7 entertainment services, and most of them aren't TV-related.