Dick Strawbridge's son has revealed his half-siblings will inherit their parents' incredible Escape to the Chateau home.
Arthur, nine and Dorothy, eight, live in the palatial pile in northern France with Dick, 63, and Angel, 44.
James, 38, who stars in a new BBC cooking show called Strawbridge Over the Drawbridge and also features in Escape to the Chateau has now opened up about the future of the incredible home.
"When you go to the chateau the work being done with the renovation is quite quick compared to when you look at a house with a 500-year history," he said.
"It's definitely more intense at the chateau than at these houses I visit [for my new series].

"Arthur and Dorothy's great-grandchildren in many years' time and like one of the next generations will probably have a bit more of a chilled-out vibe," he told Express.co.uk.
Dick's eldest son said his father and Angel are still in the process of "establishing" the Neo-Renaissance style chateau and praised the pair for their hard work.
James and his sister Charlotte, 36, are from Dick's relationship with his first wife Brigit A. Weiner, who he was married to from 1982-2010.
Speaking about having a stepson close to her own age, Angel told NetMums’ podcast Sweat, Snot & Tears : "Me and James, we get on really, really well – we’re always talking about [how] he’s a real foodie and completely fabulous.

"He’s really handsome, my nan had a massive crush on him!" she added.
"Whenever we used to go over to my nan’s house – she lived in East London – she’d be like, 'How’s James?!'"
Angel added that she loves her step-kids "to bits" and hopes they see her as a friend.
Viewers couldn't wait for the new series of Escape to the Chateau to return to Channel 4 after the Strawbridges were forced to take a two-year hiatus due to the Covid.
However, they were soon upset when the narrator revealed it would be the family's "final chapter".

Viewers were disheartened by the announcement, with several taking to Twitter to express their dismay.
In a statement, Dick and Angel said: "It’s our finale of the classic Escape to the Chateau, it’s been an adventure of a lifetime and we could never have imagined what would unfold. The good, the bad and the ugly…we have cherished every second and love that we have a visual record to show Arthur and Dorothy when they’re older.
"We are so grateful for all the love and support…and we promise to continue our adventures with you, just in a different way, as we venture outside the gates of the Chateau and explore the wonderful country we live in. Escape to the Chateau: Secret France (WT)...next year…we honestly cannot wait...Thank you Channel 4."